CBD Emails - How to extract more $$ from your customer.
Using email to rise above the rest in the CBD market. Musthave for CBD Business in 2020.
CBD Emails in 2020 - If you're not doing this - you're loosing 70% of your revenue!
As a CBD brand owner, you don't need me to tell you how frustrating it is to attract and acquire customers.
Facebook has probably already done that for you.
In an industry like yours, where CBD brands have a harder time acquiring customers than any other, the name of the game is retention.
Keeping customers shopping with YOU, and not your competitor.
Keeping your brand at the top of their mind whenever your customer has a migraine, joint pain, or is experiencing anxiety.
And most importantly, generating more revenue than you did last month, and the month before that.
Some CBD brands are doing it, but in my experience, most aren't.
I'm talking about email marketing.
In our last 3 years operating CBD marketing agency, We've learned that CBD brands stand to benefit THE MOST from email.
I'd bet you think you know why, but keep reading to see if you're right.
Once you've found a way to acquire customers through paid ads on social media, SEO, or podcasts...
What happens after that? Do your customers stay with you, or do they go to the next brand?
If you follow these four steps, you'll be on a path to bringing your brand from $0 in email revenue, to over $100,000 in email revenue, just like I've done for dozens of brands in this space since 2018.
Here's the best part:
Achieving this is not all that difficult, and it costs very little (when compared to spending $10,000 a month on Facebook to get $15,000 back).
Here are your four steps to growing your business with email, and becoming King or Queen of the castle in your industry:

Do you ever stalk other e-commerce brands to see what they're doing, and about 10 seconds after clicking on their website link, you get a pop-up to join their email list?
You should be doing that.
It's very easy to set up, and if you do it right, you could be converting about 10% of your website visitors to email subscribers.
Sidenote: I'm a bit of a stalker, too. I visited 10 CBD websites, and only TWO of them had pop-ups. Your competition is slim.

The definition of a "flow" is any email that is triggered to send based on one's behaviour.
For example, if someone adds your item to their cart, and then leaves with no warning, put the bottle of Rosé back in the cabinet. There's no reason to be upset.
When you set up an Abandoned Cart flow — and you do it right — you could be converting 10% of those people into customers.
Same for Site Abandonment, Browse Abandonment, and Checkout Abandonment. These people WANT you to contact them and send them a discount that'll convince them to buy.
This is where you showcase your new launches, fan-favorites, and anything you want to boast about.
Make your customersFEEL something. Make them laugh, smile, cry, anything to get them to buy from you.
It's almost like a Facebook ad, except when they open your email, they're there for YOU, not their friends from high school posting pictures of an Airbnb with an absolute mess of empty beer cans with the caption "wild night".

This is specific to CBD brands, and it seems like nobody else is doing this. As an email marketer, it actually makes me sad to think about how much money is being left on the table when failing to implement something called a replenishment flow.
If you've been in this game for a while, you can predict down to the MINUTE when your customer has finished a bottle of your product.
This is the perfect opportunity to hit them with an email reminding them that if they're gonna re-up on the magic potion, they need to do it with YOU.
But, I'll be honest:
Four steps isn't enough steps to make the kind of money that your brand deserves.
There's a little more to it.
That's why I've put together an Email Marketing course for brand owners that want to take their business to the next level.
It shows you exactly how to create a pop-up for your website that'll generate leads, 24 hours a day.
It shows you exactly how to set up the core flows, optimize a couple times per quarter, and it's an automatic money printer that does all of the sales-work for you.
It shows you exactly how to make your customers fall head-over-heels in love with your brand, where they may actually feel like they're cheating on you by shopping somewhere else.
But I have a soft spot for CBD brands, because my first big client was a CBD brand.
Huge players in the e-commerce space like Nick Shackelford, Chris Mikulin, Zach Stuck, and Shane Rostad have all told me that I'm undercharging because of the insane ROI this course offers.
Instead of gambling on Facebook to give you a 2 ROAS, I'd be shocked if this didn't give you a 100x ROI within a couple of months. That's only $65,000, which some of the brands I work with can generate in a weekend.
I can't wait for your CBD brand to be the next case study that everyone's talking about.
If you would like us to assist you with the CBD Email just press "Book an estimate" button and we'll reach out to you shortly.